World is facing water crisis/water scarcity having stress on water procuring systems due to accumulation of impurities/pollutants over those fresh water river-streams, ponds, lakes , reservoirs. This even leads to the water pollution. Now we discuss the new technology used in water treatment plant. Water pollution has made mandating waste water treatments as well as […]
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Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) are the total dissolved substances concentration present in water(maybe raw water or drinking water). So lets discuss what happens when you drink water with low tds. TDS generally comprising of salts(inorganic salts such as calcium, potassium, sodium & magnesium etc,. present in water as cations , whereas anions likewise chlorides , sulphates […]
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Firmly, pH control in water treatment has a huge role in protecting & preventing various damages to the apparatus of the plant which are most made up of metals/alloys . Continuous exposure of these parts of the whole apparatus to high acidic(pH lesser than 7)/basic(pH greater than 7) results in corrosion , fouling , scalings […]
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Yes, water treatment industry & its related business commerce is undoubtedly/indisputably climbing/booming along with the profitability. Water treatment always goes in necessitating for clarifying, purify daily utilizing water(including dangerous elements/substances that are present in water) , as well as purifying water from waste water treatment facilities. So is water treatment business profitable. Thinking about the […]
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The response to this is an obvious YES! You can drink the recycled water coming from the tertiary stage of Sewage treatment plants if properly treated. Mostly when people hear about sewage treatment plant, they think of all the domestic waste water going from our kitchen sinks, bathroom, washrooms etc. with the thought of sewage […]
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While most contaminants are capable of being removed from potable drinking water using a typical filtering system, but fluorides can be more troublesome to remove . Installing a carbon filter water dispenser , on the other hand, can remove or lower levels .So let’s discuss what is fluoride & how to remove fluoride from your water.Fluoride […]
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Chemically pure H2O has never been present in the water we drink throughout human history. Reverse osmosis water includes trace amounts of organic matter and minerals, some of which are harmful to us, but others of which are essential for good health. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests adding 10 mg/L of magnesium, 100 mg/L […]
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