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What Happens When You Drink Water With Low TDS ?

What Happens When You Drink Water With Low TDS ?

Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) are the total dissolved substances concentration present in water(maybe raw water or drinking water). So lets discuss what happens when you drink water with low tds.

TDS generally comprising of salts(inorganic salts such as calcium, potassium, sodium & magnesium etc,. present in water as cations , whereas anions likewise chlorides , sulphates , carbonates & bi-carbonates etc,.) , along with the presence of little/smaller level of organic matters.

Case Study:

A case study by Guyton( .2006) which is reviewed & available through World Health Organization , on how Low TDS of water has impacted our human body, being scare in vitamins & minerals. This Case Study will let us understand & also, it will explain much more about the drinking of low-TDS drinking water.

Water always  been correlated with both good high-quality health & human illness & ailments from the beginning of time .

We now understand that water’s fundamental roles in the human body include regulating temperature , lubricating joints , & other tissues , transporting nutrients & waste products to & from cells throughout the body , &  taking part in biochemical activities.

The H2O elemental compound of water performs these tasks/activities , not the dissolved &  suspended minerals or other components. Total dissolved solids(TDS) is a measurement of the total amount of inorganic & organic materials that are present in water as dissolved solids. So now we talk about what happens when you drink water with low TDS.

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A Case Study defining Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) levels/concentration & its characteristics :

The study defines low TDS  water as having a TDS concentration of between 1-100mg/L . This typical of the water-quality that may be attained utilizing point-of-use water treatment processes like distillation , Reverse Osmosis(RO) , & de-ionization from public/private water supply that are typically accessible to customers across the global-level .

Effects on the human body regarding consumption of low Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) water :

There is no fraternity/institutions with scientific proof/evidence anywhere in the world that drinking-water with low TDS would have harmful effect on one’s health . The High-TDS is suggested to be avoided by drinking-water with less than 500mg/L of Total Dissolved Solids(TDS) .

Some individual believe that consuming water that has undergone extreme purification processes like de-ionization , reverse osmosis(RO) , distillation , ” leaches ” minerals from the human body , resulting in mineral shortages & negative health effects/aspects .

It has been suggested that it is preferable to replace  liquids & various electrolytes with water that has atleast 100mg/L of TDS , according to a single study with the compiling coordination of Russian studies along with accessing it through the global authority-World Health Organization(WHO) .

This may , however , be more pertinent  to bodily conditions that arise during strenuous-exercises & perspiration. De-mineralized water for routine drinking & cooking uses has nothing to do with this condition , nor do low total dissolved solids  levels . Exercises in warm-weather poses the higher risk of de-hydration , &  the best recommendation is to drink enough simple water to prevent it.

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Sports drinks have been created to replenish the sugar molecules that may be burnt & depleted after an hour or more of intense activity, such as glucose in the blood & glycogen in the muscles , as well as the electrolytes that maintain cells/nucleus in normal electrolytic balance , such as salt , calcium, & potassium. 

Homeo-Stasis Mechanism :

The question whether low TDS water leads to the loss of minerals from bodily tissues & the resulting negative side-effects is the exclusive focus of this research. It is observed here that drinking-water with low levels of minerals & their related salts is safe using data on the body’s homeo-stasis mechanisms , community water-supplies with natural TDS(total dissolved solids) less than 50 mg/L, historical usage of distilled water with less than 3 mg/L TDS on Navy ships , the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s(USEPA) has replied to these issues , & other evidences .

Human Body has a  natural controlling mechanism for the minerals

Understanding the human body’s process in this regard is necessary for a better understanding of how low TDS water affects the human body. Mechanisms behind the body’s natural mineral concentrations: “Maintaining static/consistent conditions in the interior bodily environment is known as homeo-stasis .

This natural mechanism keeps the concentrations of minerals(ions) & water in bodily fluids inside & outside of all the cells in all the body’s organs & tissues within specific bounds . Through excretion & re-absorption , the kidneys play a crucial role in ensuring that ion concentrations(such as those of sodium, potassium , calcium , etc.) remain constant.

Three biological fluids are involved in homeostasis: plasma (about 3/5 of the blood volume), interstitial fluid (fluid between cells), & intracellular fluid (fluid inside the cells). The concentration of sodium ions is greatest outside the cell, while the concentration of potassium ions is greatest within the cell.

When the osmotic pressure on one side of the cell membrane is high (high ion concentration) & low on the other, water travels across the cell membrane from the dilute side to the other to equalize the osmotic pressure. This is referred to as osmosis. In contrast, reverse osmosis occurs when outside pressure is applied to the concentrated side, causing the water to flow back to the dilute side.

All of the fluids have a typical osmolality (ion-concentration) of around 300 milliosmoles per liter(mOsm/L) , or 9000 mg/L . Because water flows swiftly through cell membranes , any differences in ion-concentration across the cell-membrane are rectified in one minute or less . As a result , tiny changes in osmolality from drinking filtered water(0-100 mg/L TDS) are hastily restored.

The kidneys regulate the total concentration of bodily fluid elements. It filters roughly 180 liters (165 quarts) of water every day, but more than 99% of it is reabsorbed & just 1.0-1.5 liters is excreted as urine.

If the osmolality of the fluid to be filtered by the kidney is lower than normal (low solute concentration, such as low TDS water), neurological & hormonal feedback processes lead the kidney to expel more water than usual, allowing the ion concentration in the bodily fluid to remain normal.

If the ion concentration of the fluid to be filtered is higher than normal, the inverse is true. This kidney homeo-static process maintains proper bodily fluid osmolality. The osmolality of the fluid to be filtered by the kidney is limited to 3% in order to maintain a normal level of 300 mOsm/L.

Anti-di-uretic hormone (ADH) :

from the pituitary gland, aldosterone from the adrenal glands, & thirst(as osmolality rises by around 1% produces thirst) are the three primary hormonal & neurological regulatory systems activated by aberrant ion concentrations in bodily fluids to be filtered by the kidney.

Because of these renal kidney mechanisms , ingesting  one(01) litre of water would cause urines productions to increase around nine(x9) times within forty five(45) minutes(due to water absorption) & continue  for approximately two hours .

Additionally, saliva raises ion concentrations upon water consumption. Sodium chloride concentration in saliva is about 15 milliequivalents per liter(mEq/L), or 877 mg/L; potassium ion concentration is around 30mEq/ (1170mg/L).

When low TDS water is taken , it is coupled with saliva, which raises the TDS level before it reaches the gut to be absorbed(for example, one mL of saliva can raise the TDS level in eight ounces of water drank by around 10 \mg/L).

As a result, it is clear that drinking low TDS water by a healthy individual cannot produce harmful systems . A ‘healthy individual’ is one who is devoid of sickness , hormone issues , & so on , rather than having a good diet . Diet , like other bodily processes , maintains homeostasis .

If homeo-stasis is disrupted due to substantial dietary deficits , ill-ness , or hormonal disruption , drinking low-TDS water would be a negligible(if any) contributor/carrier to any reported symptoms.

It is obvious that sickness , physiological dysfunction , or significant nutritional deficiencies may produce a “leaching” problem. But it won’t affect human body just failing to consume on a daily basis, one to two liters of low-TDS drinking water . So these are affect happens to you when you drink water with low TDS.

Summary :

According to a  literature survey , there is very little material published in Western scientific-literature that links the drinking of low TDS water to physiological impacts on the human body .

A study presented to the World Health Organization that reviewed studies described in the Russian literary study explained that 100 mg/L disrupts the body’s water : salt balance , promoting the release of sodium , potassium , chloride , & calcium ions from the body of animals or humans , putting stress on the homeo-stasis mechanism , causing changes in the gastro-intestinal muscles & mucosa , & reducing water’s thirst quenching capacity .

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